Tuesday, 28 October 2014

A few days break does a power of good.......

 Poor blog, been sadly neglected over the last two weeks.  Margaret and I  bumped "Who Needs Permission" out of the library, rehung a good part of the exhibition the following Saturday at Edendale Farm for the Practically Green Festival (pictures and stories on another day) then hung up our boots for a few days. Just  within five months we had community workshops, two public art installations an exhibition and a consultation,   we were just a bit pooped.  Then there's our other life as well........it was suffering from neglect

Yes, spring is here and  bird life is returning - as we catch up with orders we are making new birds.  There is a new page on the blog devoted just to detailed photos of the birds.   Only three of these on it  yet, we had internet interference with this mornings wind.  The other  two will be asap.  Then, as we make we will add.  

Smiling, or even better, laughing is the order of the day!

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Just two days left!!!!!!

Guest books are always polite and restrained.  We are delighted - the comments are  as unrestrained as "Who Needs Permission"

You have only two days left to write your message!

Only a handful of birds left to choose from.....but there's no way you can have  this...

Its sold and off to a very interesting home.   Congratulations Margaret. 

  We were going to bump out on Tuesday morning but were invited to stay on  for a book launch by Malcolm Fraser in the gallery in the evening.  Practicalities mean that we will have to clear the floor to make room for seating so most of our 3d pieces will go.

For the occasion, the banners and bicycles will still be on the walls, the rails and pillars will still be covered, peacock still in the corner,  and the birds and bunting will look down on it all.

Then Wednesday morning we will whisk it all away as the next artist Jeff Drummond hangs his exciting  exhibition. 

So folks you only  have between one and five tomorrow and ten am and eight thirty pm on Monday to visit, check out the palm tree, revisit,  play cupcake checkers, choose a bird or bicycle to enjoy the whole of Who Needs Permission at the Eltham Library Community Gallery.

p.s.  Of course we have another project in the planning - but you'll just have to wait and see.