Sunday 22 December 2013

Once there was a wedding tree...........

What goes up must come down!   Our yarn bombing in wool and cotton was starting fade, and looking a bit sad.  So the time had  come and on a hot summers evening we made a sortie to Montsalvat to bump out.

Our woolly tags came off in seconds along with spiders of ALL sizes, slaters and many creepy crawlies.  Horror - we were removing habitat!

But then, the wedding tree

Margaret started at the top, me, being a ladder chicken, started at the bottom.  Not so many bugs with this, maybe they dont like white.  

Such a picturesque image - could have been harvest on a summers evening.  But on with the unpeeling......

Came off quicker than we thought.....

Just a heap of cotton crochet on the grass -  which turned out not to be quite the pretty white it had been on the tree.

The first wash to remove loose mould, dust and moss.  In the new year it will be soaked, pressed and sorted.  It was a kind of harvest, because, we have plans for it!!!! Just wait til our exhibition next year!!!!

Now back to a previous post - as you will see I dont really have egg on my face over the snow at Montsalvat issue.  Dont miss tonight's Christmas special Frynne Fisher, ABC1 at 7.30, and you really will see snow at Montsalvat just like we did!

Merry Christmas Montsalvat, and a fantastic New Year full of so many more amazing things.

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