Friday, 6 June 2014

Bad habbits

Yes I am slipping,  slipping into the bad habbit of being too fascinated by what everyone does and  forgetting to take photos so these are just few students work - apologies to those I missed.  Love the fact that each person's work is so individual

note the tiny bee  drawn on the fabric just above the honeycomb texture, and on the side of the lampshade


back - note the use of eucalypt dyed fabric with sun dyed fabric

Innovation!  when a student didnt need a lampshade she used the frame to make a vessel.

Thanks ladies and gentleman, you were a great class.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Its on again folks!!!!!!!

what is ? well,  tell you in a moment.  Meanwhile here's a diversion, more vegie dyes from Melton. I'm not going to tell you what they are - you'll just have to come to a class and discover for yourself!

But there's no guarantee you'll get the same result - thats the thing about organic dyeing, its subject to seasonal and weather variation.  It makes every piece of fabric a one off - how exciting and how precious does that make every little piece of fabric you make!

Now for the class photo - my photographer's hat took over, almost that is, I forgot that you need more than  two shots per person in a group to have even half a chance that everyone will be looking at the camera with their eyes open!  It was the last thing before Sunday's pack up.  A few had already left because of other obligations......and that crazy end of class feeling had set in........

So, how many of you have had the chance to wear a lampshade on your head and dress yourself up in cushions and fabric that you have made?

If you said no then your chance is coming.....yep the class will happen again in October...see you there