"Birds", Margaret said. "We must make birds". So we did. Lots of them, or so we thought.
Then came one of those two people speaking at once things, "We can we make them look down on people like in 'The Birds'"
So we did, and they did not look one bit threatening, so we asked Tony to make a movie, and its not threatening either, rather proved the point, they are just plain funny, warm and fuzzy.
For small screen quality.......
For big screen quality and a better look go to
Sales have proved that point too, lots of little red stickers. Its become a kind of joke with us now, "what did you do last night?, "I made another bird(or two)" then " Is it different to the last one?" Of course it is. So to meet the challenge every other day or so a couple of new birds appear.
There's only just over a week left and we keep looking at the flamingos and thinking, should we....they'd look great as a flock, then we look at our, lives and think, maybe another time.....but , on the other hand......
Mind you we're open to requests and orders, we're having so much fun!
Come and see our Birds and many other amusing things,